Moringa and crickets flour biscuit

Biscuits, in their infinite variations, are the simplest of all the bakery products. But simplicity, in this case, pairs with exquisiteness... and who does not remember the famous grandmother's biscuits for snacks and breakfasts?

In this recipe we offer you a great classic: almond biscuits. But could we stop here?
Obviously not, so we suggest a variant that will make this classic a little less classic, but certainly more interesting: cricket flour and a little moringa.
For those who do not know it, moringa is a plant with extraordinary nutritional properties (rich in antioxidants, vitamins and oligomineral), so that it is called "the miraculous plant".

Let's see the ingredients needed for this recipe:
3 eggs, 100g almond flour, 100g of icing sugar, 130g of egg whites, 35g of granulated sugar, 75g of 00 flour, 10gr of cricket flour, 35gr of butter, 2 teaspoons of moringa.

in a bowl, mix half of the egg whites with the granulated sugar.
In a second bowl mix the eggs, the almond flour, half the icing sugar, the cricket flour and the moringa. Stiff the rest of the egg whites, add the remaining icing sugar, the sifted flour and finally the melted warm butter. Put togheter the content of the two bowls and mix well gently.


Spread on a baking sheet (or put in molds) and bake in preheated oven at 240 ° for 6/8 minutes.
Get out of the oven and enjoy this delicious variation of the “everyday” cookies.

You can also use other innovative ingredients to free your imagination in the kitchen, just visit our shop!