There are many novel foods authorized to be consumed in Europe, not only edible insects of course.
The Commission established the Union list of novel foods in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2015/2283 of the European Parliament and of the Council on novel foods.
In the list you’ll find crucial informations: the name of the authorized novel food, conditions under which it may be used, the food category, the maximum levels of assumption and the specific labelling requirements.
As you can see, a really great variety of new foods are already listed and probably more have to come.
Novel foods are a real opportunity to enlarge our traditional range of foods, and to start better using the previous resources of the planet.
You find the list here.
As the global demand for sustainable protein sources grows, edible insects offer an eco-friendly alternative to traditional meat. This article explores innovative methods for extracting protein from insects and examines their potential role in future food production.