Tips to cook with insects

July 10, 2019

Tips to cook with insects

Chef Matteo Girardi gives us some suggestions on the use of insect flour in the kitchen.
Is insect flour like normal flour?
Not exactly. We must always keep in mind that, although it is called flour, in reality it is powder made of grounded insects. For example: being gluten-free (even if gluten could be present in infinitesimal traces) and rich in protein, you must be careful not to exceed certain dosage in order not to weigh down the final product both in terms of taste and texture.
How to manage it in the dough?
There are no particular tricks, bearing in mind what has just been said, it is sufficient to treat it as any "aromatic" and gluten-free flour (chestnuts, buckwheat, millet, etc.) I therefore advise you not to exceed 10-15% by weight of the total flour.
Does it have any particular flavor once cooked?
A bread, a pizza or a dessert that has a part of insect flour develops a taste and a scent that can be easily compared with those of a dough that contains whole wheat flour.
Insect flour is a new ingredient, and like all new ingredients it has to be experimented in different preparations, but its versatility makes it easy to use so don't worry and let your creativity flow!

If you want to watch some edible insects dishes videorecipes, click here.

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